Dr. Patrick Hunt is a featured speaker on "Viking Legacies" February 24th 2017, for Humanities West, San Francisco, Marines Memorial Theatre. His lecture is on Viking seafaring, longships and Danelaw.
University of Tehran College of Engineering, Iran 2015

Dr. Patrick Hunt was a keynote speaker in Iran at the University of Tehran College of Engineering 80th Anniversary Celebration in late January 2015 for the release of the multimedia book and documentary 5000 Years of Iranian Engineering.

What was life like in the Neolithic Age? Dr. Patrick Hunt describes new research on the oldest mummy ever discovered. “Otzi,” found embedded in ice in the Oztal Alps, is over 5000 years old. Work on his frozen body is casting new light on how people ate, drank, clothed themselves and generally existed so long ago. Dr. Hunt, who directed the Stanford Alpine Archaeology Project (1994-2012), discusses how new scientific methods are helping archaeologists draw conclusions about the lives of our far off ancestors.

Parlitalia Lecture - Patrick Hunt, February 7th, 2014, 6:15pm Friday
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
"Hannibal's Crossing of the Alps"

Great Battles Lecture Series, University Museum, Philadelphia
June 5th, 2013, 6pm Wednesday
Patrick Hunt, "Hannibal's Secret Weapon in the Second Punic War"
Link to YouTube Lecture from UPENN

Patrick spoke at Renaissance Weekend Jackson Hole in early July on several archaeological topics including Hannibal, and Otzi the Iceman. This was an event by invitation only.

CARMEL Fall 2010
Patrick was an invited featured author at the Fourth Annual Carmel Authors and Ideas Festival in late September 2010, At the beautiful Sunset Center in the village of Carmel-By-The-Sea, Patrick presented a main session in the Sunset Main theater on Saturday and an breakout session on Sunday. Read More |

Adding to scheduled courses and speaking events often noted on this website in the Courses
page, Patrick Hunt gives frequent lectures in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere across the U.S.
These may occur as museum events or guided tours, such as an
illustrated lecture in April, 2005 titled "Persian Art: Safavid Miniature
Paintings 1500-1700" in the Cantor Center for the Arts (Stanford University
Museum) and two lecture tours in the Cantor Center for the Arts
"Precolumbian Art and Archaeology" in that gallery in early June, 2005 as
well as a lecture tour at the Berkeley Museum of Art, University of
California, Berkeley on "Rubens: The Master's Painted Sketches" in May,
Other Stanford lecture series include "Art of the Silk Road",
Cantor Center for the Arts, March, 2004, "Renaissance Vision in 2008 and "The Aztecs" in 2008 and "Mesoamerica: Jaguars, Jade and Feathered Serpents" in 2009. Prior art lectures include topics
like "Caravaggio Mocks the Prohibition of Scandalous Models", "Rembrandt
and the Bible", "Samson and Delilah in Art from Mantegna to Rubens",
"Rembrandt and Mythology", Gustav Klimt and Mythology", "Judith and
Holofernes in Art", "Titian's Bacchus and Ariadne", "Abbe Suger's Theory of
Light", "Susannah and the Elders in Art from Botticelli to Thomas Hart
Benton". Prior archaeology lectures include "Egyptian Stoneworking Genius",
"Seven Wonders of the Ancient World", "Excavations at the Grand-St-Bernard
Pass 2000-03", "Alpine Clouds With Silver Linings: A Roman Silver Coin
Hoard", "Tracking Hannibal" , some of these frequently given between 2004-2009, as well as "Castles: from Roman
Forts and Motte and Bailey to 15th c. French Follies of the Duc de Berry" offered several times between 2004-2009.
Some lectures are paid, ticketed private events and others are free to the
community. They will often be open to the public and without charge as posted here unless
otherwise noted by the venue. For more information, please contact Dr. Patrick Hunt or the venues noted. ____________________________________________________
Dr. Patrick Hunt’s Selected Lectures – 2011-12 (Summer, Fall & Winter 2011 to Spring 2012)
July 2011
July 1-4, Renaissance Weekend, Jackson Lodge, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
"Hannibal in the Alps"
"Otzi the Iceman: New Science on an Old Ice Mummy"
July 14, Bancroft Gardens, Garden Conservancy: "Persian Paradise Gardens from Cyrus to Safavid: Pairi-Daeza to Chahar-Bagh"
July 23-25, Martis Camp Folk School, Lake Tahoe: "Walk Through Time: History, Natural History, Geology and Ethnobotany of Truckee and Tahoe Basin"
August 2011
Aug. 26, Napa Valley LRL, Marston Family Winery, "Otzi the iceman: New Science on an Old Ice Mummy"
September 2011
Sept. 16, Napa Valley LRL, St. Helena: "Bruegel's Art: Characters, Myths, Proverbs and Apocalyptic Visions"
October 2011
Oct. 11, Stanford University SLE Lecture on "Sappho's Poetry: Multiple Sensory Imagery"
Oct. 14, Napa Valley LRL, St. Helena: "Truth, Love & Beauty from Plato and the Ancient Greek Perspective through Keats"
Oct. 18, Stanford University SLE Lecture on "Greek Art: Vases from Archaic to Hellenistic Periods"
Oct. 22, National AIA Archaeology Day, Stanford University, Cantor Center for the Visual Arts, 4 guided lecture tours of university archaeology collections with Dr. Patrick Hunt
Oct. 25, Saratoga Foothill Club "Mythology and Discoveries in the Ancient World"
November 2011
Nov. 11, Stanford AIA, Stanford University, "Otzi the iceman: New Science on an Old Ice Mummy"
December 2011
Dec 13, Orphan Compassion Authors Luncheon and Auction, Hillsborough Racquet Club, "Puer Natus Est: Art of Christmas"
Dec. 14, Fromm Institute, San Francisco, Holiday Lecture: "Puer Natus Est: Art of Christmas"
Dec. 14, Stanford Bookstore, Stanford University: "Puer Natus Est: Art of Christmas"
January 2012
Jan. 13, Maison Francaise, San Francisco, "Art of French Medieval Illumination"
Jan. 21, Osher Institute, Santa Clara University, "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Egypt, Babylon, Greece"
Jan. 25, Stanford SLE Lecture, "Masterpieces of Renaissance Art"
Jan. 27, Hillsborough LRL, "Chinese Art: Jade Treasures from the Neolithic to Qing Dynasties"
Jan. 28, Osher Institute, Santa Clara University, "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Alexandria, Rhodes, Asia Minor"
February 2012
Feb. 3, Napa Valley LRL St. Helena, TBA
Feb. 8, Stanford University, Cantor Center for the Arts, Art Focus Lectures: Arts of Persia:" Sassanian Persia and its Metals, Stone Seals and Silk"
Feb. 12, Mills Peninsula Hospital Foundation Auction Lecture: "History and Mythology of Wine" with Winetasting
Feb.15, Stanford University, Cantor Center for the Arts, Art Focus Lectures: Arts of Persia: "Persian Miniature Paintings Before and beyond the Safavid Age of Shah Abbas"
Feb. 18-19, Martis Camp Folk School, Lake Tahoe, TBA
Feb. 22, Stanford University, Cantor Center for the Arts, Art Focus Lectures: Arts of Persia: "Persian Treasures of Rugs and Gardens"
March 2012
March 8, Francisca Club, San Francisco, "The Incomparable Art of Jan Vermeer, Dutch Baroque Master"
March 15, Tiburon, St. Hilary School, "Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History and Their Legacies"
March 16, Napa LRL, St. Helena, TBA
March 23, Hillsborough LRL, "Chinese Art: The Legendary Silks from Yuan to Qing Dynasties"
April 2012
April 10-19 Scientific American Travel, Rhine River Cruise from Amsterdam to Basel, Three Lectures on Archaeological Science: "Medicine in the Ancient World", "Tracking Hannibal in the Alps" and "Otzi the Iceman: New Scientific Discoveries"
May 2012
May 4, VI - Palo Alto / Stanford, lecture1 on antiquity
May 10, Mill Valley Art Club, TBA
May 11, VI - Palo Alto / Stanford, lecture 2 on antiquity
May 18, VI - Palo Alto / Stanford, lecture 3 on antiquity
May 25, VI - Palo Alto / Stanford, lecture 4 on antiquity
May 25, Hillsborough LRL, "Chinese Art: 4,000 years of Ceramics and Bronzes"
Fall to Spring, 2010-2011
September 2010
Sept. 12 Long Island AIA Society New York
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrte History"
Sept. 15 St. Louis AIA Society
"Tracking Hannibal"
Sept 15 "Medieval Heraldry" Napa LRL
Sept 30 Marin LRL "Medieval Manuscripts
October 2010
Oct. 15, AIA Soiree San Francisco, Fairmont Hotel,
"Science in Archaeology"
Oct. 21 "Medieval Heraldry" Marin LRL
November 2010
Nov. 3 Stanford SLE Greek Art Lecture
Nov. 7 MIlwaukee AIA Societ "Alpine Archaeology"
Nov. 11" Medieval Crusades"
Marin LRL
December 2010
Dec. 14 Orphan Compassion Authors Luncheon, Hillsborough California
January 2011
Jan 12 Francisca Club
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"
Jan 20 "Medieval Plagues" Marin LRL
February 2011
Feb. 2, 9, 16
Cantor Center for the Arts, Stanford University
"Masters of Chiaroscuro" Docents Art Focus Lecture Series
Feb 17 "Medieval Kingship" Marin LRL
Feb 19 Martis Camp Truckee-Tahoe
"Hannibal in the Alps"
March 2011
Mar 2 Century Club of California
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"
Mar 17 "Medieval Science" Marin LRL
April-May-June 2010
Apr 23 Martis Camp Tahoe-Truckee
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"
April-May Fromm Institute Course
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"

October 2009
Oct. 4 Stonestreet Winery, Sonoma Valley, “History and Mythology of Wine”
Oct. 8 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, “Art of the Bible: Seeing the Miraculous through the Eyes of the Great Masters”
Oct. 27 Stanford University SLE Lecture: “Greek Art: Vase Narratives and Myth”
November 2009
Nov. 4 Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA, “Medieval Spolia in the Swiss Valais”
Nov. 5 Los Angeles Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) – “Alpine Archaeology in the Grand-St-Bernard”
Nov. 19 Cantor Center for the Visual Arts, Stanford Museum – “Mesoamerica: Jaguars, Jade and Feathered Serpents”
December 2009
Dec. 14 Authors’ Luncheon : Orphan Compassion – Hillsborough Polo & Racquet Club
Dec. 15 Fromm Institute, San Francisco – “History of Castles: Enchantment and Embattlement”
January 2010
Jan. 8-10 Congregation Beth Jacob, RWC - Scholar in Residence, “Sacred Word and Art”
Jan. 11 Peninsula Round Table, Burlingame - “Tracking Hannibal: Stanford Alpine Archaeology Project 2009”
Jan. 24 Les Bons Vivants, Rigolo Café , San Francisco - “Caravaggio’s Realism”
February 2010
Feb. 9 Jewish Community Center, Palo Alto – “Archaeology Confronts the Bible”
Feb. 16 Pacific Union Club, San Francisco – “Caravaggio’s Provocative Genius”
March 2010
Mar. 3 Center for African Studies, Stanford University, Africa Table, “Lust for Africa: Economic Geography and Africa’s Riches, the Why and Where”
Mar. 11 "Judith and Holofernes and Susanna and the Elders: Art Themes from Botticelli and Cranach to Klimt and Thomas Hart Benton", Pacfic Heights Salon, San Francisco
April 2010
Apr. 8-10 Renaissance Society of America, Venice, Italy, “Caravaggio’s Penitent Magdalen”
Apr. 16 Charleston, South Carolina Society, Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) College of Charleston, "Tracking Hannibal in the Alps"
Apr. 18 New York, Long Island Society Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), "Tracking Hannibal in the Alps" Hofstra University
Living Room Lectures 2009-10
“Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”
San Francisco - 1/12/10, 3/9/10
Marin – 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 1/7, 2/4, 3/4
Hillsborough – 10/30, 12/11, 2/5, 3/9
Previous 2008-2009 Selected Lectures by Dr. Patrick Hunt include:

October 6 AUTHORS' LUNCHEON Marriott Hotel Burlingame
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"
November 6 CALIFORNIA PALACE LEGION OF HONOR Lincoln Park San Francisco
10-12 am Gould Theater - Docents Lecture
"Mythology Lives on in the House of the Muses" Part I
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"
AIA SF-Berkeley Panel "Tracking Hannibal 2008"
December 11 CALIFORNIA PALACE LEGION OF HONOR Lincoln Park San Francisco
10-12 am Gould Theater - Docents Lecture
"Mythology Lives on in the House of the Muses" Part II
January 13, 2009 SARATOGA FOOTHILL CLUB 11:30 AM
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History" (Thera and Plato's Atlantis)
January 22 TO KALON Willow Glen San Jose (Pine Street) 1:45 pm
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"
February 28 STANFORD UNIVERSITY PARENTS' WEEKEND Saturday morning 10-12
"Tracking Hannibal 2008"
(Stanford Museum) Docents Lectures 4-6 pm
"Renaissance Visions: Myth and Art (Mantegna, Botticelli, Leonardo, Titian, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, etc.)
March 31-April 2 LITERARY SOCIETY OF THE SOUTHWEST - Phoenix/Tucson, Arizona
"Ten Discoveries That Rewrote History"
"Myth and Art" Series
Napa Valley 9/12, 10/10, 11/14, 1/9, 2/13, 3/20
Hillsborough 10/24, 1/16, 2/20, 5/15
Marin 10/16, 11/13, 1/29, 2/26
Venues provided on valid request
Previously Offered Living Room Lectures

- Living Room Lectures (LRL) Atherton-Los Altos Hills
-new series on ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE
BIBLE for Winter and Spring 2007 (email Patrick for details)
- Living Room Lectures (LRL) Marin County on the new series "Great Lives from History" (Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, Nero, Constantine the Great, Charlemagne and more)
- Living Room Lectures (LRL) Marin County
"Constantine the Great" and "Charlemagne" for Jan/Feb lectures
- Living Room Lectures (LRL) Atherton-Los Altos Hills on the new series "Archaeology and Ancient Technology"
- Living Room Lectures - (LRL) Napa Valley
-"Erasmus and the Renaissance" for Jan. 5 lecture
-A Panel Discussion on Provenance and Ownership at the Cantor Center for the Visual Arts, Stanford University, November 16
- LRL in Hillsborough and San Francisco to be announced
November 2006
- Living Room Lectures - (LRL) Napa Valley
--November 17
-- "The Genius of Rembrandt"
- Living Room Lectures - (LRL) - Marin County
--November 30
-- "Great Persons in History: Nero the Not-So-Great"
-Living Room Lectures, San Francisco, CA
--April 2006
--“Charlemagne and His Legacy”
-Living Room Lectures, Hillsborough, CA
--April 2006
-- “Charlemagne and His Legacy”
October 2006
- Living Room Lectures - (LRL) Napa Valley
--October 13
--"What Started the Renaissance?
- Living Room Lectures - (LRL) - Marin County
--October 26
--"Great Persons in History: Alexander the Great"
- Docent Lecture in the Ancient Art Gallery
--October 19
--Stanford Museum, Cantor Center for the Arts
-Pacific Union Club, San Francisco
--October 30
--"Carthage and Rome: Why were they Eternal Enemies?"
-Living Room Lectures, Los Altos Hills-Atherton
-- April 2006
-- two lectures on “Classical Turkey and Byzantium”
-"Bacchus and Wine Mythology" in March at Pacific Union Club in San Francisco
-"Caravaggio" in February 2006 at Christie's in Beverly Hills
-Living Room Lectures San Francisco, CA
-Fall 2005 : October 18th to October 20
---October 18, De Young Museum Tour, Hatshepsut exhibition.
---Details on request.
-Living Room Lectures Hillsborough, CA
-Fall 2005. Times and Locations provided on request.
---September 27th "Greek Mythology Through Palindromes"
---October 25th "Thera, The Aegean Paradise"
---November 29th "The Tomb of The 10,000 Warriors"
-Living Room Lectures Los Altos Hills, Atherton, CA
---November 16th 7:30 pm "Rembrandt's Mythological and Biblical Art" (location provided on request)
-Living Room Lectures Napa Valley, CA
-Fall 2005. Time and Location to be announced.